Sunday, January 17, 2010


 Emergency / Preparedness Action Kit was what James Talmage Stevens (author of “ Making the Best of Basics”) nicknamed his 72-hour+ kit. I like that nickname, I have one in my truck and several in my home. Why don’t I call it a bug out bag? or bug in bag? or emergency get home pack? The main reason I like this nickname is because it best describes what it is. When people talk about bug out bags (BOB), the first thing people think is that it is for bugging out. Ninety five percent of the emergencies you will encounter will not cause you to leave your home. I have had to bug out about three times in my live. Two was because of forest fires and the other because of a train derail that caused a chemical spill.  E/PAK’s allow you to have emergency supplies for 72 hours+ at your fingertips. They may be used to get home or to bug out if need be. Vehicle/Personal E/PAK’s are different then Home E/PAK’s.
Vehicle/Personal E/PAK’s are usually smaller than home ones. They are usually a small daypack that can be carried easily. Vehicle/Personal E/PAK’s are mainly used to get to a place of safety or if a disaster strikes and you need to get back home. What is contained in them and the amount of supplies may differ from person to person. I work 36 miles away from home, I have to calculate how long it would take to hike back to my home and supply my pack for that amount of time. Important is that you rotate any dated items such as food and medical. Also, depends on where you live, the heat may cause you to rotate food items on a more frequent schedule. I’m currently testing out a new system called gearpods for my Vehicle/Personal E/PAK. I can attach it to a fanny pack that has ration bars and water.

Home E/PAK’s will be bigger backpacks that can be carried or rolled with a suit case dolly. You can have one main Home E/PAK or have several for each individual in the home. They will carry extra changes of clothes, food and gear. I have enough food in mine for four days and along with my Vehicle/Personal E/PAK I now have seven days of food. And have been in several hurricanes…seven days is most likely the amount you want not the three days they recommend on several websites.
One rule on all your E/PAK’s is to keep them updated. Make sure you have copies of identification and proof of where you live, meds that may be needed, contacts and up to date emergency plans with locations to meet at. Rotate your food in the packs on a regular basis. Also twice a year to take the items out and check them for damage.
If you have pets. Make sure that they have their own E/PAK. They make packs for animals or you can attach them to their carriers.

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